Saturday, February 23, 2013

Update on baseline stats

Nearly 2 months into my more active lifestyle and it is about time I provided an update on some of the baseline stats I recorded when I started.

Weight: 17st10lbs (previously 19st0.6lbs)
BMI: 30.2 (32.5)

Running: able to run 3 miles at an average pace of 9 minutes per mile. (Previously 1 mile/9mins per mile)

Cycling: no road cycling undertaken since start of year.

Static Exercise Cycling: 5km in 11'56" (improvement on start of February, 5km in 12'38")

Swimming: no swimming undertaken since start of year.

In addition, working out at the Gym has enabled me to monitor my heart rate whilst exercising and this has shown that my heart rate decreases as it should (by around 25bpm in one minute after exercising) showing that my heart is fairly healthy.

I am really pleased with how things are going, especially as illness and my hectic schedule have prevented me from getting out as much as I might have liked.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lynn News Column

The past week has seen the start of my fortnightly online column in the Lynn News, launched with a print story on Friday 8th February, the first column was published on Thursday 14th February. They are keen to chart my progress in relation to the Grand East Anglia Run on 5th May so have called the column Gary Goes for GEAR

Friday, February 1, 2013

First month

Due in part to illness and in part to the weather, I have not been as active as I would have liked through January, managing just three runs, a total of 4.13 miles at an average pace of 9'01".

The diet I wrote about in my post of 14th January has been a bit more successful having lost a total of 13lbs from 1-31st January.

I will be removing at least one of the variables that has restricted me in January as I have an induction at Bodyworks Gym at LynnSport booked tomorrow so I will have no excuse (other than illness) not to go out and exercise.